About Us

Ontario Ministry of Education’s policy Realizing the Promise of Diversity: Equity and Inclusive Education (2009), reminds us: “Racism, religious intolerance, homophobia, and gender-based violence are still evident in our communities and – unfortunately – in our schools” (p. 7). The Ontario Ministry of Education (OME) in partnership with the Knowledge Network for Applied Education Research (KNAER) has established a learning and leading for equity knowledge network to address these challenges.

Réseau de Savoir sur l’Équité | Equity Knowledge Network (RSEKN), hosted by the University of Ottawa’s Faculty of Education and the Centre for Research on Educational and Community Services (CRECS), is a provincial multi-stakeholder bilingual knowledge mobilization network that brings equity innovators together in order to stimulate activities and support product development that can be used to break down current systemic barriers to children and youth from marginalized groups.

RSEKN will connect teacher candidates, teachers, administrators, researchers, and community groups who share a commitment to removing barriers to equity and inclusion for marginalized and racialized children and youth. The RSEKN will extend existing local, regional and provincial networks to address its priority outcomes (see RSEKN’s Network Overview).

We acknowledge that our themes do not exist in isolation and that there is intersectionality among themes and events supported by the RSEKN. Our underlying goal is to reach across Ontario in French and English and engage those who share a commitment to addressing systemic barriers for children and youth in our education system. 
