How do we in the field of education respond to today’s social, cultural, international and environmental crises, with mass shootings, war, racism, gendered violence, censorship, polarization and climate disasters relentlessly challenging us in this “post”-pandemic era? Nonviolence has become a call in our time to address the existential condition of humanity through the central thread of interconnectedness that dissolves violence and supports sustainable creativity. As nonviolence is under-theorized and seldom discussed in curriculum studies, this conference intends to gather scholars, educators, students, community-based practitioners, artists and peace activists from diverse backgrounds to elaborate what nonviolence means for transforming curriculum theorizing and the everyday practices of education (K-20 education, community education and self-education). All those who are interested in nonviolence and nonviolence education are invited to participate in the conference.
Conference Dates: March 8-10, 2024
Location: Oklahoma State University, Tulsa, US
Organizer: Curriculum Studies Program, OSU
Registration: Free
Keynote Speakers:
Dr. Denise Taliaferro Baszile, Professor and Dean of the College of Education at Wayne State University. Her keynote address is: “Cultivating Love, Peace and Soul through Higher Education Leadership.”
Dr. Molly Quinn, Professor and Director of Curriculum Theory Project, Louisiana State University. Her keynote address is: “Living Lovingkindness: Toward a Phenomenology of Nonviolence in Curriculum & Education.”
Dr. Tara Sethia, Emerita Professor in history, the founder of Ahimsa Center for the Study of Nonviolence in Thought and Action at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. She will speak about the relevance of nonviolence, nonviolent movements and their leaders in education.
Dr. Michalinos Zembylas, Professor at the Open University of Cyprus. His keynote address is: “Towards an Ethics of Nonviolence in Contemporary Times: Implications for Pedagogy and Education.”
For full conference and registration details, please visit the Conference Website at Questions? Please email:
For information about Call for Papers, please go to Proposals are due Nov 1, 2023.
Conference Team (Curriculum Studies Program, OSU)
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